Of all the lizards I've kept, the Chinese Cave Gecko (Goniurosaurus hainanensis) may be the easiest of them all to care for. I have both wild caught and existing captive bred bloodlines in my collection. Some of the eggs have hatched out in the enclosures and others have been found and incubated (in 1:1 water to vermiculite by weight). I keep them between 70F and 80F year round and incubate the eggs at those same temperatures. No hot spot is provided. I keep them in plastic storage boxes with a hide, a water bowl, and eco earth for the substrate. I use springtails in all of their enclosures to make sure it does not mold, but I do not use isopods as I fear they may attack the eggs. For food, I give them primarily crickets but I also add in some small dubia roaches, mealworms, waxworms, and black soldier fly larva for variety. I use Repashy calcium plus on roughly half of the feedings with the exception of black soldier fly larva since they are already high in calcium.